Öğrenme Çıktıları / Özgü Ölçüt Matrisi

Öğrenme Çıktıları
Define the basic concepts and terminology related to semiology
Systematically assess the signs and symptoms of diseases.
Accurately perform and interpret physical examination techniques.
Understand and apply effective methods for patient evaluation and improve anamnesis skills
Analyze clinical data, physical examination findings and anamnesis outcomes to formulate potential diagnoses
Identify the relationships between specific symptoms and associated diseases. Learn pathognomic signs of diseases.
Establish effective communication with patients and develop an empathetic approach.
Evaluate semiological data from a multidisciplinary perspective and integrate it with related medical disciplines
Actively participate in clinical decision-making processes using semiological knowledge.
Understand ethical principles in semiological practice and demonstrate a professional attitude

Katkı Düzeyi : (1) Çok Düşük, (2) Düşük, (3) Orta, (4) Yüksek, (5) Çok Yüksek
Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı © 2025