İzlence Konu Başlık

Hafta Teori Konu Başlıkları
1 19. yy'da Victoria Dönemi'ne geçiş, Victoria Dönemi tarihsel, sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik arka planı. Ruth Goodman, 'How to be a Victorian' (2013)
2 Kadın Kimliği: 18.yy geleneği ve 19.yy'lın sinyalleri: Pride and Prejudice. 'The New Female Instructor' (1834, 1988), C. Willett, Cunnington, 'The Perfect Lady' (1948)
3 İngiliz Bildungsroman, Victoria döneminde kadın yazar ve kadın karakter sorunsalı: Jane Eyre. Monica F. Cohen, Professional Domesticity in the Victorian Novel: Women, Work and Home’
4 Jane Eyre. Elaine Showalter, 'A Literature of their Own: From Charlotte Bronte to Doris Lessing' (1999)
5 Jane Eyre. Mario Praz, 'The Hero in Eclipse' (1969)
6 Çocuk, Şehir, ekonomik ve sınıfsal yapı sorunsalı: Oliver Twist. John O. Jordan (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens' (2001)
7 Vize Oliver Twist. Philip Hobsbaum, A Reader's Guide to Charles Dickens' (1977)
8 Vize Oliver Twist. Richard L. Schoenwalt (Ed.), Nineteenth-Century Thought: The Discovery of Change' (1965)
9 Endüstri Devriminin sonuçları ve eşitsizlik: Hard Times. Frederick Engels, 'The Condition of the Working Classes of England' (1892, 1972)
10 Hard Times. Peter Keating (Ed.), 'The Victorian Prophets' (1981)
11 The Late Victorian Period: Aestheticism. Walter Pater, ‘The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry’ (1873)
12 Anti-Victorianism: the inevitability and anxiety of change. J.M. Golby, 'Culture & Society in Britain 1850-1890' (1988), Gillian Cawthra , 'Cultural Climate and Linguistic Style: Change in English Fictional Prose from the Late Victorian to the Early Modern Period' (1989)
13 The late Victorian Novel:Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Claire Tomalin 'Thomas Hardy: The Time-torn Man' (2012)
14 Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Laura Marcus (Editor), ‘Late Victorian into Modern’ (2016), Lloyd Fernando, ‘"New Women" in the Late Victorian Novel’(1990)

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