İzlence Konu Başlık

Hafta Teori Konu Başlıkları
1 Derse giriş. Klasik alımlamaya giriş. Hardwick (2003), Hardwick & Stray (2008), Martindale & Thomas (2006). ║ Hardwick, Lorna. Reception Studies. Oxford UP, 2003. Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Martindale, Charles, and Richard F. Thomas, editors. Classics and the Uses of Reception. Blackwell, 2006.
2 Ödevlerin kararlaştırılması. Beard (2017). ║ Beard, Mary. Women & Power: A Manifesto. Profile Books, 2017. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
3 Carol Ann Duffy, “Mrs Midas” “from Mrs Tiresias,” “Pygmalion’s Bride” (1999), “Beautiful” (2002). ║ Beard, Mary. Women & Power: A Manifesto. Profile Books, 2017. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
4 Han Kang, “The Fruit of my Woman” (1997). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
5 Sarah Ruhl, Eurydice (2003). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
6 Victor Pelevin, The Helmet of Horror (2005). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
7 Ara sınav/Victor Pelevin, The Helmet of Horror (2005). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
8 Victor Pelevin, The Helmet of Horror (2005). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
9 Natalie Haynes, The Furies (2014). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
10 Natalie Haynes, The Furies (2014). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
11 Natalie Haynes, The Furies (2014). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
12 Natalie Haynes, The Furies (2014). ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
13 Öğrenci sunumları, öğrencilerin ve öğretim üyesinin geri bildirimi, tartışma. ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
14 Öğrenci sunumları, öğrencilerin ve öğretim üyesinin geri bildirimi, tartışma. Ödev en geç 12 Ocak Cuma günü saat 14:00'da teslim edilmelidir. ║ Hardwick, Lorna, and Christopher Stray, editors. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell, 2008. Zajko, Vanda, and Helena Hoyle, editors. A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.

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