İzlence Konu Başlık

Hafta Teori Konu Başlıkları
1 Solutions of some differential equations, classifications of differential equations, linear equations and the method of integrating factors.
2 Separable equations, differences between linear and nonlinear equations, exact equations and integrating factors, numerical approximations: Euler method.
3 Existence and uniqueness theorem, first order difference equations, second order homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, solutions of linear homogeneous equations and wronskian.
4 Complex roots of the characteristic equation, repeated roots and reductions of order, non-homogeneous equations and method of undetermined coefficients.
5 Variations of parameters, higher order linear equations.
6 Series solutions of second order linear equations, series solutions near an ordinary point.
7 Midterm Exam
8 Midterm Exam
9 Euler equations and regular singular points, series solutions near a regular singular point.
10 Laplace transform, definition and solutions of initial value problems, step functions, differential equations with discontinuous forcing functions, impulse functions, convolution integrals.
11 Systems of first order linear equations, review of matrices, systems of linear algebraic equations, linear independence, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
12 Basic theory of systems of first order linear equations, homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients, complex eigenvalues, fundamental matrices and repeated eigenvalues.
13 Non-homogeneous linear equations and nonlinear differential equations.
14 Partial differential equations and fourier series, two-point boundary value problems, fourier series, fourier convergence theorem, even and odd functions, separation of variables, heat conduction problem, wave equation and laplace equation
Hafta Uygulama Konu Başlıkları
1 Solutions of some differential equations, classifications of differential equations, linear equations and the method of integrating factors.
2 Separable equations, differences between linear and nonlinear equations, exact equations and integrating factors, numerical approximations: Euler method.
3 Existence and uniqueness theorem, first order difference equations, second order homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, solutions of linear homogeneous equations and wronskian.
4 Complex roots of the characteristic equation, repeated roots and reductions of order, non-homogeneous equations and method of undetermined coefficients.
5 Variations of parameters, higher order linear equations.
6 Series solutions of second order linear equations, series solutions near an ordinary point.
7 Midterm Exam
8 Midterm Exam
9 Euler equations and regular singular points, series solutions near a regular singular point.
10 Laplace transform, definition and solutions of initial value problems, step functions, differential equations with discontinuous forcing functions, impulse functions, convolution integrals.
11 Systems of first order linear equations, review of matrices, systems of linear algebraic equations, linear independence, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
12 Basic theory of systems of first order linear equations, homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients, complex eigenvalues, fundamental matrices and repeated eigenvalues.
13 Non-homogeneous linear equations and nonlinear differential equations.
14 Partial differential equations and fourier series, two-point boundary value problems, fourier series, fourier convergence theorem, even and odd functions, separation of variables, heat conduction problem, wave equation and laplace equation

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