Hafta | Teori Konu Başlıkları |
1 | Transport in tourism, writing a personal statement |
2 | Transport in tourism, letter of application |
3 | Writing emails to a client/boss/colleague, Introduction to Reported Speech, |
4 | Accomodation, Reported Speech Exercises, Narrative Essay readings |
5 | Vocabulary on Accommodation Types and Tariffs, Reported Speech Exercises, |
6 | Introduction to Marketing and Promotion, Vocabulary on hotels, |
7 | Writing a narrative essay, revision of previous lessons |
8 | Arasınav |
9 | Marketing terminology , Vocabulary on sales and marketing, |
10 | The Airline Industry, Introduction to Conditionals, Conditional Clauses type 0-1 |
11 | Vocabulary on Air travel, Conditional Clauses type 2, Introduction to Comparison essay |
12 | Conditional Clauses type 3, How to write a comparison essay |
13 | Holidays with a difference, Vocabulary on sightseeing. Prepositions |
14 | Holiday types, Exercises on Prepositions , Writing a comparison essay, revision of previous lessons |