Hafta | Teori Konu Başlıkları |
1 | Giriş: Ders konusunun, okuma listesinin ve araştırma yöntemlerinin tanıtımı |
2 | Susanna Moodie, Roughing it in the Bush |
3 | E. T. Seton, “Silverspot: the Story of a Crow” from Wild Animals I Have Known |
4 | Frederick Philip Grove, "Snow" from Over Prairie Trails |
5 | Northrop Frye, “Conclusion to a Literary History of Canada” from The Bush Garden |
6 | Northrop Frye, “Conclusion to a Literary History of Canada” from The Bush Garden; Stephen Leacock, kısa öykü döngüleri |
7 | Stephen Leacock, “ The Hostelry of Mr. Smith”, “L’Envoi: The Train to Mariposa” from Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town |
8 | Yarıyıl sınavı |
9 | Sinclair Ross, “The Lamp at Noon”; Morley Callaghan, "The Snob" |
10 | Anne Hebert, “The Torrent” |
11 | Mavis Gallant, "An Introduction"; "The Ice Wagon Going Down the Street" |
12 | Margaret Atwood, Survival kitabından seçmeler |
13 | Margaret Atwood, “Death by Landscape”; Thomas King, “Borders” |
14 | Yarıyıl sonu sınavı |