Hafta | Teori Konu Başlıkları |
1 | Giriş: Ders konusunun, okuma listesinin ve araştırma yöntemlerinin tanıtımı |
2 | Stuart Hall, "Cultural Studies and its Theoretical Legacies" |
3 | Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" |
4 | Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times |
5 | Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times; André Bazin, "Charlie Chaplin"; Roland Barthes, "The Poor and the Proletariat" |
6 | Ara sınav |
7 | Theodor Adorno, "Free Time"; John Fiske, "Culture, Ideology, Interpellation" |
8 | Roland Barthes, "Myth Today" |
9 | Laura Mulvey, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema"; Richard Dyer, from Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society |
10 | Judith Butler, from Gender Trouble |
11 | Billy Wilder, The Seven Year Itch |
12 | Billy Wilder, The Seven Year Itch |
13 | Metin çözümlemesi, karşılaştırmalar ve tartışmalar |
14 | Final sınavı |