İzlence Formu

Kredi 6 AKTS 6
Z/S Zorunlu Teorik Saat 4
Uygulama Saat 4 Lab Saat 0
Ders Dili İngilizce Dersi Veren Doç. PINAR TOPALOĞLU
Dersin Veriliş Türü Uzaktan

Dersin Amacı

Students should be able to understand and explain the elements of nervous tissue. • They should be able to recall and thoroughly comprehend the information they acquired in the second grade regarding the embryology and histology of the nervous system. • They should be able to establish the connection between the nervous system and the sense of vision and comprehend the biochemical processes. • They should be able to have information about and comprehend infectious diseases affecting the nervous system. • They should be able to comprehend diseases of the nervous system associated with demyelination. • They should be able to comprehend the effects of different types of viruses and bacteria on the nervous system. • They should be able to comprehend the effects of neurological diseases on public health and comprehend the programs to control and prevent them. • They should be able to learn and comprehend the anatomy of the nervous system and sensory elements. • They should be able to understand and comprehend pathologies and tumoral diseases associated with the nervous system and sensory systems. • Students should be able to determine the characteristics of the onset of complaints in the anamnesis in neurological diseases. • Should be able to recognize acute stroke, medullary syndrome, central nervous system infection and acute worsening of myasthenia gravis according to the localization of complaints. • Should be able to perform the state of consciousness, speech, cranial nerves, motor, sensory, reflex and cerebellar system examinations in neurological examination. • Should be able to state the physiological mechanism that provides consciousness. Should be able to list the changes in consciousness and should be able to list brainstem reflexes and other clinical features in the examination of a comatose patient and in the clinical diagnosis of brain death. • Should be able to list the neurological diseases that can cause balance disorders. • Students should be informed theoretically about the main motor development stages and basic reflexes in the prenatal period, and should learn the meanings of the preterm, term and postterm periods and their clinical implications. • At the same time, the child should be able to list in detail the main motor and mental development stages in the first year after birth (infancy), learn the times when primitive reflexes appear and disappear, and gain the necessary examination knowledge to detect them. • He/she should be able to list the main motor and mental development stages that should be acquired after the age of one, until the school age period. • He/she should be able to detect possible delays and abnormal development.


To be able to teach the histology, anatomy and biochemical processes of the nervous system and sensory organs. To be able to teach neurodegenerative diseases, tumoral diseases and infectious diseases that may affect the nervous system.

Öğretim Yöntemleri

Theoretical courses are divided into two groups, anatomy and other courses are divided into eight groups, and each department is applied in its own laboratories with the active participation of students, interactively, practically and experimentally. Students participate in bedside practice on different days of the week as Group A and Group B.


ANATOMİ ANABİLİM DALI ANATOMİ DERS NOTLARI, USTA A, ŞAHİNOĞLU K, ÖZTÜRK A, KALE A. --- SOBOTTA, İNSAN ANATOMİSİ ATLASI; Putz R, Pabst R. --- KLİNİK YÖNELİMLİ ANATOMİ MOORE K L. Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Guyton & Hall; Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Ganong; Fizyoloji (Lippincott, R. A. Harvey), Vander'in İnsan Fizyolojisi, Larsen's Huma Embryology, Junqueira's Basic Histology

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