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Ders Dili Türkçe Dersi Veren Doç. Dr. ÖZLEM KARADAĞ
Dersin Veriliş Türü

Dersin Amacı

Bu ders Klasik mitoloji ve Sümer mitolojisine odaklanarak, birinci sınıf öğrencilerini mit-yaratma konsepti ve İngiliz edebiyatı ile bağlantılı mitolojik karakterler, temalar ve hikayelerle tanıştırmayı amaçlar.


Mit yaratma kavramını ve mitolojik karakter ve temaları tanımlar ve açıklar.

Öğretim Yöntemleri

Düz Anlatım, Tartışma, Soru-Cevap.


primary sources: INTRODUCTION: (21 September 2018) “myth today” (roland barthes, mythologıes) & A hero wıth a thousand faces (joseph campbell) Sumerian Mythology: SUMERIAN MYTHOLOGY: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium B.C. (SAMUEL NOAH KRAMER, University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia, 1961) The Epic of Gilgamesh (my edition: translated by Andrew George, penguin books, 1999) Greek and Roman Mythology: Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days - pages 23-105 (my edition: translated by R. M. Frazer, University of Oklahoma Press, 1983) Homer’s The Iliad - books (ı , II, III, xvı, xvıı, xvııı, xix, xxıı, xxııı, and xxıv), (my edition: translated by Anthony Verity, Oxford World’s Classics, 2012) & The Odyssey, (my edition: the prose translation: Walter Shewring, Oxford World’s Classics, 2008) Norse Mythology: Tales of Norse Mythology, Helen A. Guerber, barnes&noble, 2017 The Saga of the Volsungs (my edition: Jesse L. Byock, penguin books, 2013) Celtic Mythology: The Celtic Myths: a Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends, Miranda Aldhouse-Green, thames&hudson The Tain (my edition: translated by Thomas Kinsella, Oxford University Press 2002) Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur - Books i & ııı (my edition: in two volumes, penguin books, 2004) Secondary sources: 1)The Greek Myths (Robert Graves, complete edıtıon) 2) The Penguin Book of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings (Introduced and retold by Kevin Crossley-Holland) 3) The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions (J. A. Macculloch) 4) the Ultimate Encyclopaedia of Mythology (Arthur Cotterell)

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