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Ders Dili | Türkçe | Dersi Veren | Doç. Dr. ÖZLEM KARADAĞ |
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Bu ders Klasik mitoloji ve Sümer mitolojisine odaklanarak, birinci sınıf öğrencilerini mit-yaratma konsepti ve İngiliz edebiyatı ile bağlantılı mitolojik karakterler, temalar ve hikayelerle tanıştırmayı amaçlar.
Mit yaratma kavramını ve mitolojik karakter ve temaları tanımlar ve açıklar.
Düz Anlatım, Tartışma, Soru-Cevap.
primary sources: INTRODUCTION: (21 September 2018) “myth today” (roland barthes, mythologıes) & A hero wıth a thousand faces (joseph campbell) Sumerian Mythology: SUMERIAN MYTHOLOGY: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium B.C. (SAMUEL NOAH KRAMER, University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia, 1961) The Epic of Gilgamesh (my edition: translated by Andrew George, penguin books, 1999) Greek and Roman Mythology: Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days - pages 23-105 (my edition: translated by R. M. Frazer, University of Oklahoma Press, 1983) Homer’s The Iliad - books (ı , II, III, xvı, xvıı, xvııı, xix, xxıı, xxııı, and xxıv), (my edition: translated by Anthony Verity, Oxford World’s Classics, 2012) & The Odyssey, (my edition: the prose translation: Walter Shewring, Oxford World’s Classics, 2008) Norse Mythology: Tales of Norse Mythology, Helen A. Guerber, barnes&noble, 2017 The Saga of the Volsungs (my edition: Jesse L. Byock, penguin books, 2013) Celtic Mythology: The Celtic Myths: a Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends, Miranda Aldhouse-Green, thames&hudson The Tain (my edition: translated by Thomas Kinsella, Oxford University Press 2002) Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur - Books i & ııı (my edition: in two volumes, penguin books, 2004) Secondary sources: 1)The Greek Myths (Robert Graves, complete edıtıon) 2) The Penguin Book of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings (Introduced and retold by Kevin Crossley-Holland) 3) The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions (J. A. Macculloch) 4) the Ultimate Encyclopaedia of Mythology (Arthur Cotterell)