İzlence Formu

Kredi 2 AKTS 3
Z/S Seçmeli Teorik Saat 2
Uygulama Saat 0 Lab Saat 0
Ders Dili İngilizce Dersi Veren Prof. Dr. NADİR AYRILMIŞ
Dersin Veriliş Türü

Dersin Amacı

A comprehensive analysis of the influence of material and processing parameters on the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of biocomposite materials. Principles of adhesion and adhesives technology and their impact on biocomposite manufacture and performance will be addressed.


Biocomposite materials consist of two or more distinct physical phases, and the structure can be tailored to provide a wide range of physical and chemical properties. Principles for processing and structure-property relationships are explained. Biocomposites from biobased resources are important for the future needs of society. In addition, biomedical applications of composites are promising. Particular focus is placed on nanostructured biocomposites inspired by the load-bearing materials in nature. Engineered wood materials will also be treated from a composite mechanics view. Basic notions of composite micromechanics will be presented and discussed. The role of interfaces, matrix, fibre orientation, dispersion and concentration on properties will be covered. Case studies in mechanochemical functions, and chemical modification of cellulose-based composites.

Öğretim Yöntemleri

Expression through the presentation, homeworks, mill tours, question and answer, discussion


1. Natural Fiber Composites. CRC Press, (Editor: Raul Campilho), 2015. 2. Natural Fibers, Biopolymers, and Biocomposites. CRC Press. (Editors: Amar K. Mohanty, Manjusri Misra, Lawrence T. Drzal), 2005. 1. Forest Products Laboratory. 2010. Wood handbook--Wood as an engineering material. FPLGTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 509 pp. 2. Marra, A.A. 1992. Technology of Wood Bonding: Principles in Practice. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 454 pp. 3. Engineered Wood Products: A Guide for Specifiers, Designers and Users. Edited by S. Smulski. FPS Research Foundation. Madison, WI.

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