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Ders Dili İngilizce Dersi Veren Doç. Dr. TANER AKAN
Dersin Veriliş Türü

Dersin Amacı

This course aims to provide an advanced insight into the key variables of economic development and their complex interactions in the process of change from a factor-driven first to efficiency-driven and then to innovation-driven structure.


1-) Comparative analysis of theories of development 2-) Measuring economic growth and development 3-) Structural transformation and industrial sophistication 4-) Patterns and sources of technological development 5-) Population, education, and human capital 6-) Transnational corporations and economic development 7-) Finance and fiscal policy for development 8-) Balance of payments, debt, financial crises, and stabilization policies 9-) International trade theory and development strategy 10-) Income distribution, poverty, and environmental problems 11-) Revision of candidate papers 12-) Presentation of candidate papers

Öğretim Yöntemleri

Teorik araştırma ve yazım, interaktif tartışma ve sunum


1-) Comparative analysis of theories of development -Cypher, James M. and Dietz, James L. (2009) The Process of Economic Development, London: Routledge. Chp-4 Classical and neoclassical theories Chp-5 Developmentalist theories of economic development Chp-6 Heterodox theories of economic development -Acemoglu, Daron. 2003. “Root Causes,” Finance and Development 40, 2 (June): 27–30. -Solow, Robert. 1956. “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 70 (February): 65–94. -Mankiw, N. Gregory, David Romer and David N. Weil. 1992. “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 107 (May): 407–37. -Ramer, Pual M. (1994) ‘The Origins of Endogenous Growth’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(1): 3-22. -Paul M. Romer, "Endogenous Technological Change," Journal of Political Economy 98, no. 5, Part 2 (Oct., 1990): S71-S102. -Sachs, Jeffrey D. 2005. The End of Poverty. London: Penguin Books. -Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Development Theory, Sage. 2-) Measuring economic growth and development -Cypher, James M. and Dietz, James L. (2009) The Process of Economic Development, London: Routledge. Chp 2 Measuring economic growth and development -Feenstra, Robert C., Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer (2015), "The Next Generation of the Penn World Table" American Economic Review, 105(10), 3150-3182, available for download at PENN World Tables 9.0, -World Development Indicators Anand, S. and Kanbur, S.M. 1993. “Inequality and Development: A Critique,” Journal of Development Economics 41: 19–43. Dietz, James L. and Louise Gibson. 1994. “What is Development? The Human Development Index, a New Measure of Progress?,” mimeo, California State University, Fullerton. Anderson, Jonathan. 2007. “Solving China’s Rebalancing Puzzle,” Finance & Development 44 (September): 32–5. 3-) Structural transformation and industrial sophistication -Yujiro Hayami and Yoshihisa Godo (2005) Development Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chp 2. A Comparative Perspective on Developing Economies -Reynolds, Lloyd G. 1986. Economic Growth in the Third World: An Introduction. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. -Herrendorf, B, Rogerson, R. and Volentinyi, A. (2014), Growth and Structural Transformation, in Handbook of Economic Growth, v. 2, pp. 855–941 -İzak Atiyas & Ozan Bakis (2015) Structural Change and Industrial Policy in Turkey, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51:6, 1209-1229. -Hausman, R. and Klinger B. (2006) ‘Structural Transformation and Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the Product Space’, KSG Working Paper No. RWP06-041,, -Kohli, Atul. 1999. “Where do High-Growth Political Economies Come From? The Japanese Lineage of Korea’s ‘Developmental State’,” pp. 93–136 in Meredith Woo-Cumings (ed.), The Developmental State. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. -Grilli, E. and H. Yang. 1988. “Primary Commodity Prices, Manufactured Goods Prices, and the Terms of Trade of Developing Countries: What the Long Run Shows,” The World Bank Economic Review, 2: 1–47 -Crow, Ben and Mary Thorpe. 1988. Survival and Change in the Third World. New York: Oxford University Press. -Bagchi, Amiya. 1984. The Political Economy of Underdevelopment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -Morley, Samuel A. 1995. Poverty and Inequality in Latin America. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 4-) Patterns and sources of technological development -Yujiro Hayami and Yoshihisa Godo (2005) Development Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chp 6. Patterns and Sources of Technological Progress -Paul M. Romer, "Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth," Journal of Political Economy 94, no. 5 (Oct., 1986): 1002-1037. Ruttan, Vernon W., 2000. "Technology, Growth, and Development: An Induced Innovation Perspective," Oxford: Oxford University Press. -Evenson, R., and Westphal, L. E. (1995), Technological Change and Technology Strategy', in J. Behrman and T. N. Srinivasan (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, vol. 3A (Amsterdam: Elsevier): 2209-99. -Stewart, F. (1977), Technology and Underdevelopment (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press). -Bercovitz, Janet and Feldman, Maryann (2006) ‘Entrepreneurial Universities and Technology Transfer: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Knowledge-Based Economic Development’, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 175–188. -Nagesh Kumar ‘’ Intellectual Property Rights, Technology and Economic Development: Experiences of Asian Countries‘ Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jan. 18-24, 2003), pp. 209-226 5-) Population, education, and human capital -Cypher, James M. and Dietz, James L. (2009) The Process of Economic Development, London: Routledge Chp 12 Population, education, and human capital -Birdsall, Nancy. 1988. “Economic Approaches to Population Growth,” in Hollis B. Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishers. -Mincer, Jacob. 1958. “Investment in Human Capital and Personal Income Distribution,” Journal of Political Economy 66: 281–302. -Schultz, T.W. 1960. “Capital Formation by Education,” Journal of Political Economy 68: 511–83. -David E. Bloom, David Canning and Pia N. Malaney, Population and Development Review Vol. 26, Supplement: Population and Economic Change in East Asia (2000), pp. 257-290. 6-) Finance and fiscal policy for development -Todaro, M. P. and Smith, Stephen, C. (2014) Economic Development, Boston: Pearson. 15 Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development -Commission on Growth and Development (Spence Commission). The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development. Washington: World Bank, 2008. Also available at -Hugh T. Patrick, “Financial development and economic growth in underdeveloped countries,”Economic Development and Cultural Change 14 (1966): 174–189. -Felix Rioja and Neven Valev, “Finance and the sources of growth at various stages of economic development,” Economic Inquiry 42 (2004): 27–40. -Ross Levine and Sara Zervos, “Stock markets, banks, and economic growth,” American Economic Review 88 (1998): 537–558. Other useful references include -Rudiger Dornbusch and Alejandro Reynoso,“Financial factors in economic development,”American Economic Review 79 (1989): 204–209. 7-) Balance of payments, debt, financial crises, and stabilization policies -Todaro, M. P. and Smith, Stephen, C. (2014) Economic Development, Boston: Pearson. Chp 13 - Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises, and Stabilization Policies -John Williamson and Donald R. Lessard, Capital Flight: The Problem and Policy Responses (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1987) -Frances Stewart, “Theinternational debt situation and North-South relations,”World Development 13 (1985): 141–204. -Paul P. Streeten, “Stabilization and adjustment,”Labour and Society 13 (1988): 1–18. -James L. Dietz, “Debt and development:The future of Latin America,” Journal of Economic Issues 20 (1986): 1029–1051 -Cheryl Payer, The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974), pp. 1–49. -Dani Rodrik, “The limits of trade policy reform in developing countries,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 6 (1992): 87–105 -Andreas Savvides, “Investment slowdown in developing countries during the 1980s: Debt overhang or foreign capital inflows?”Kyklos 45 (1992): 363–378. -David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu, The Body Economic: Why Austerity Kills (New York: Basic Books, 2013. 8-) International trade theory and development strategy -Acharyya, R. and Kar, Saibal (2014) International Trade and Economic Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -Sarkar, P. 1986. “The Terms of Trade Experience of Britain since the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Development Studies 23 (October): 20–39. -Singer, Hans. 1989. “Terms of Trade,” pp. 323–8 in John Eatwell et al. (eds.), The New Palgrave: Economic Development. New York: W.W. Norton. -Chang, Ha-Joon. 2007. Bad Samaritans: Rich Nations, Poor Policies, and the Threat to the Developing World. London: Random House. -Amsden, Alice H. 2001. The Rise of “the Rest”: Challenges to the West from Late-IndustrializingCountries. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9-) Foreign direct investment, Transnational corporations, and Economic development -Jeffrey Henderson , Peter Dicken , Martin Hess , Neil Coe & Henry Wai-Chung Yeung (2011) ‘Global production networks and the analysis of economic development’, Review of International Political Economy, Volume 9(3), 2002, pp. 436-464. -Murali Patibandla and BentPetersen(2002) ‘Role of Transnational Corporations in the Evolution of a High-Tech Industry: The Case of India's Software Industry’, World Development, 30(9): 1561-1577. -Donning, John and Narula, Rajnaeesh (2003)Foreign Direct Investment and Governments: Catalysts for Economic Restructuring, London: Routledge. -Rhys Jenkins (2013)Transnational Corporations and Uneven Development, London: Routledge. 10-) Income distribution, poverty, and environmental problems -Kanbur, Ravi (2000) ‘Income Distribution and Development’, in Handbook of Income Distribution, North Holland. Pages 791-841. -Galor, Oded (2000) ‘Income Distribution and the Process of Development’, European Economic Review, 44(4-6): 706-712. -Tim Allen and Alan Thomas (2000) Poverty and Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press.-Hemamala Hettige, Muthukumara Mani David Wheeler (2000), Industrial pollution in economic development: the environmental Kuznets curve revisited, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 62, Issue 2, pp. 445-476 11-) Revision of candidate papers 12-) Presentation of candidate papers

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